New Scottish Welfare System- Where We Are And How To Get Involved.

By now you are probably aware that a certain amount of new powers over some benefits are being devolved to the Scottish Government. 

Our contributor A.C. recently wrote to the Scottish Government about the new powers. He brought to their attention the book Cash Not Care which we have previously reviewed on this site and asked for a run-down of exactly how far preparations for the new systems have come along.

In their response, the government spokesperson explains that the system is still in the process of being designed.

Part of the process will be the setting up of “experience panels” to ensure that the new system is tailored to the needs of benefit recipients.

Some members of these panels will be selected from recent benefits recipients, whereas others will be people who have volunteered. If you want to be involved with this process, then send an email to .

For more information about the process of setting up the new systems and exactly which powers are being devolved, visit:

The full response is reproduced below.

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