By: S.W.
I decided to avoid the usual diet of Ant and Dec and associated stupidity available on a Saturday night to attend a comedy club known as “Breakneck Comedy”. I have only been to the club once before and found the show very entertaining but to be fair the line-up can be a bit, hit or miss. The MC introduced a couple of acts one from Scotland, another from the US both of which I would not recognise however the comedy was quite passable.
The headline act was a comedian called the Lost Voice Guy an act I had only scant information about but had heard was performed by a disabled guy with no voice, a symptom caused by his cerebral palsy.Clearly no gimmick, Lee Ridley appeared on stage and treated us to an excellent show combining the usual barbed comments about Mssrs Cameron and Duncan-Smith and the hazards of everyday life as a disabled person. Even stranger was the fact Lee was using a Lightwriter to speak using modern technology which also formed part of his comedy.
According to his website Lee is an accomplished writer and online journalist who is using the technology available to express himself as other public speakers and entertainers would. It would be rather patronising to congratulate Lee on his success on the comedy circuit, but he is certainly a tough act to follow. The audience showed its appreciation at the end of his spot with a rousing round of applause.
As I left the venue my internal cynicism start to kick in and I started to doubt my own appreciation of this headliner. Maybe a roomful of intelligent but slightly-lagered people could appreciate the act for what it was, however I began to question its motives or its attraction. I would never doubt or put down the aims and endeavours of the Lost Voice Guy but I believe the paying audience have a right to debate its rights and wrongs. My own feelings can only be summed up through the context of this article however the rest is up to you. The deep thinker in me always sees a motive or underlying factor in every story but would also wish The Lost Voice Guy every success in the future.
Without wishing to use too many words, there are very few, if any motiveless people in existence. I refer you to the article Pip and Reality on this blog, and my opinion on what reality is. Lost Voice Guy is just within his own reality and doing what is necessary to communicate.
You state his act was excellent, and the audience like him. So if you felt uncomfortable or are seeking a motive or an underlying factor, then maybe the place to find that is in yourself. You state you are cynical, but that spiritless disbelief in anything and suspicion of just about everything, is usually only applicable to Journalists, Policemen, and those of no belief system at all.
I am sure you meant to use another word to describe yourself. 🙂
Hello A.C
Thanks for your reply as you can guess it is some time since I visited or contributed to the blog. I have read your comments and value your opinion.Most of what I write is donr on spur of the moment after interruptions to my sleep pattern and perhaps a more objective than reflective basis would help me in my quest for balance. Thanks SW