PIP Criteria and Descriptors

Editor’s Note: We are often asked what exactly the criteria for various benefits are before people start the application process. With this in mind, we have compiled a list of the descriptors of peoples’ abilities as used in the assessment. As well as bearing this information in mind when applying it is also a good idea to gather supporting medical evidence. As always, we recommend that you get assistance when completing your application, and are ready to offer any help needed. To book an appointment, please get in touch with the office

The information in this article comes from numerous sources, chiefly leaflets from the Learning Disability Alliance Scotland, handouts from Citizens’ Advice and from our own records. Our Thanks to A.C for compiling this information for us. 

Each section will award the applicant with a certain number of points, based on which descriptors match their condition. The total number of points will then be added up and this forms the basis of the amount of benefit which will be offered. To be awarded the Standard Rate for Daily Living you need to have 8 points from the Daily Living Descriptors (only 1 criterion for each descriptor can be counted). For the Enhanced Rate you need to have 12 points. Similarly, for the Mobility Component you need a total of 8 points between the 2 sets of Mobility Descriptors and 12 for the Enhanced Rate.

You can either choose to read the document here, enlarge it in a new window or download it and print it out by clicking on the ‘download’ link at the bottom of the page.

[embeddoc url=”http://www.aad-online.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Pip-Actiities-and-Descriptors.pdf” download=”all”]


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