Follow Up to “When the Lights go Out”

By: A.C.

Even with e–mail and online databases, it has taken some time to just get answers on how effective Power Generators are in letting customers know about the Priority Services Register. In researching this article, I discovered that they have a very simple way of dealing with e-mail that they do not want. They simply return it as undeliverable, thus preventing communication, even though that electronic address was recommended. Black Holes and Bin 13 spring to mind. However, the Scottish Government took my enquiry more seriously and the Civil Servant tasked with my request turned up some very interesting facts and reports.

The Priority Services Register is a service that suppliers are obliged to offer to consumers as part of their Licence Conditions. Individual suppliers might refer to the service by another name, but it must offer the same service. The suppliers themselves provide and administer the service, so they are not actually obliged to check if consumers qualify, though they are required once a year to advertise the service.

Because there is no central database, customers would have to register again with their new supplier if they move house or supplier.

The PSR therefore is required as part of the regulations, so OFGEM could investigate if the supplier was not providing the service in line with the licence condition. Ofgem has no role in running the scheme, but tries to promote it.

This survey & study by Ofgem into the Priority Services Register makes very interesting reading.


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